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Are You Leaving Benefits On The Table?

Find out if you are eligible for services that can be beneficial to you and your family.

What Benefits Could You Be Leaving On The Table?

The Golden Heart Fund has initiated a pilot program for a 100% free Benefits Concierge Service available to those who’ve played at least one full accredited season with the San Francisco 49ers. We are collaborating with the league and the players' association to offer personalized summaries of benefits and concierge-like support to connect players directly with service providers.

Our primary objectives include simplifying understanding, easing access, increasing utilization, and improving outcomes. Typically, we can support 5-7 players per month on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Please take a moment to complete the brief form, and our benefits review team will contact you!


Benefits Request Form

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The power of The Golden Heart Fund is that it’s led by former players who have overcome their own challenges after hanging up their uniforms.

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